December 13, 2000 OptiCon 7 information is up. December 11, 2000 OPTICON 7 is scheduled for December 29, 2000. More information to come!!! November 30, 2000 OptiCon 6 Pictures are finally UP! We have also picked up PC-Tote as a sponsor! The site is currently being moved around, some of the links may be broken. November 10, 2000 OptiCon 6 was a complete success, with various Quake3, Tribes, and Halflife CS matches to add too the fun. We had the most room and server power EVER, and took the most photos ever... hopefully those will be up soon. October 29, 2000 OptiCon 6 is scheduled for NOVEMBER 5, 2000! Register using the members button on the top of the page. October 11, 2000 We are putting in a lot of effort in this website. We note that we are currently looking for sponsors to donate products / prizes for advertising your company and to help us out. October 10, 2000 The website is being totally overhauled... please bear with us. September 26, 2000: OptiCon 6 has been scheduled for October 19th at 1:00. Setup will be at noon. Details coming soon!
August 17, 2000: OptiCon 5 Pictures are up. June 14, 2000: OptiCon 5 is over, We will have the summary up sometime in the future...