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OptiCon VI: Pictures
OptiCon 6 Pictures

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Here we see the Snack Table, loaded with snacks and pop. We had much more on the second floor. Pizza, sloppy joes, and good times were had by all.
Yet another artistic photo by Augustus. His caption: When the cheese started sweating, we knew the action was getting intense.
From left to right: DoctorDye, AdmiralGreg (hidden), RastaRocket, and [SC]CmdrNate. They comprise Team Hensels' Mom.
The winners of the annual CTF competition were Team Hensels' Mom. From left to right: AdmiralGreg, [SC]CmdrNate, and DoctorDye. They are holding their amazing prize: A symbolic copy of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. They will have very stiff competition next time.


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